Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Award

Did you see the new button we have displayed on the right side of our page? We received an email from Kathy Sims of that our PTA blog has won an award for one of the best blogs in the region.

The email is posted below:

A wonderful afternoon to you! Kathy here, and your teaching blog, Canyon View PTA, was determined to be one of the best PTA & PTSA blogs in your region! You can see other great teaching blogs in your region here at:

Teachers have the most under appreciated job facilitating learning for our children. So we wanted to recognize your contributions! As a winner, we honor you by presenting you with an awards badge. You can use this to signify just how special your blog is to your class!

Thanks to all you who send information to be shared and to those of you who who come here to read about things going on at our school.

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