Sunday, October 3, 2010

Emergency Prepardeness

Teachers are in the process of collecting materials for their classroom Emergency Preparedness Kits. In the event of an emergency in which the children have to be kept at school, the kits provide the kids with snacks, water, and first aid supplies to tide them over until they are cleared to leave. If parents can donate any items for the kits, it is greatly appreciated.
Some items needed are bottled water, peanut-free snack items, Band-Aids, alcohol swabs, antibacterial gels/ointments, rubbing alcohol, gauze, cotton balls, Q-Tips, Ace bandages, medical tape, Steri-Strips, adult-size latex gloves (or non-latex alternatives), tweezers, and cold packs. Parents need not feel that they have to provide enough for everyone; any donation is helpful. Donations must be received by the end of October.
For more details or to donate items, please contact Zully Mumford at 801.673.9257 or

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