Saturday, October 9, 2010


It's time for the annual PTA-sponsored Reflections program at Canyon View. Run by the PTA for more than 40 years, Reflections encourages students to express themselves artistically based on a common theme. The program is a celebration of children's imagination, creativity, and self-expression. Our school's participation is an acknowledgement that we believe that creating art is a great learning experience - something that has been proven to enhance and develop intellectual, social, and physical skills.

How Reflections works:
This year's theme is "Together We Can." Students may submit original artwork that expresses this theme in any of the following art areas: Dance choreography, film production, literature, musical composition, photography, visual arts, theater, and three-dimensional. Entries must be received by Tuesday, November 2. Works are then grouped according to age division and judged, and then have the possibility of advancing on to council, district, region, state, or even national levels. Reflections entry forms and official rules are available in the main office.

All Reflections participants are recognized in a special Awards Assembly on November 9. Please help your child explore the arts and their own sense of creativity and encourage their participation!

All entry and rules can be downloaded at

Please contact Allison Harbertson with any questions - 801.440.3064 or

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